Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Basketball at LCCS

LCCS Middle School Basketball Teams 
I have a profound love and passion for sports, especially basketball. I had a vision and a dream that LCCS would soon have a successful basketball team. With a lot of work and dedication last year we were able to put together our first sports team in the history of LCCS. Through this vision the LCCS Boys and Girls Middle School Basketball teams evolved.
We pride ourselves in instilling our circle values through study hall, practices, and games. Community, independence, respect, courage, leadership, and effort are all values that are practiced and preached amongst our coaches and players. These values have given us an identity and have paved the way for us to be successful. We hold our student athletes to a high academic standard. They are required to attend study hall sessions on a weekly basis as well as handing in weekly progress reports. Our coaches communicate with teachers to ensure that our students stay on the right track academically. We practice two to three times a week and play an eight game regular season. Our basketball program has helped players develop many skills and characteristics that are essential to being positive citizens and great members of our community. Being a member of our basketball teams require a lot of effort, hard work, and dedication. We focus on building student athletes, team players, and leaders on and off of the court.
The amount of success we have experienced in just two years has exceeded all of our expectations. The players have responded with a great deal of excitement and willingness to learn. Our LCCS community has rallied behind us and supported us by showing tremendous school spirit. We have had winning seasons in our first two years and advanced to the playoffs both seasons. Our students have excelled in the classroom and are motivated to do better because of our basketball team. They are better prepared mentally and physically for high school. I believe that we have only scratched the surface of our potential, goals, and successes. We will continue to grow our basketball program, honor our circle values, and strive to develop the best student athletes. 

Angel Melendez
LCCS K-5 Physical Education Teacher

LCCS Boys Head Basketball Coach 

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