Wednesday, April 30, 2014



When I began middle school at LCCS in 2010 I was petrified. I worried: will I get lost in the chaos of changing classes?... Will I forget my locker combination? ...Will middle school be completely different from elementary school? As it turned out, within my first week of fifth grade, all three scenarios became realities. But even with these seemingly negative events, I was reeled in. With the magnificent mayhem of middle school, I had fallen in love with LCCS all over again.

What Makes our Middle School Special

Two things stood out as special right away:

Our teachers are extremely caring and qualified teachers. They design hands-on lessons and activities that required critical thinking and deep reasoning on the part of each student. We are not merely expected to learn the information, but to interpret it, and draw our own conclusions. Lessons at LCCS are taught in a relatable, interesting manner that sparks enthusiasm and dedication in both students and teachers. LCCS teachers are so committed to their responsibilities that they will sacrifice their own lunches and afternoons as long as it will benefit a student in need. 

LCCS’s CIRCLE values inspire tolerance and kindness, creating a supportive social environment that feels unique to our middle school. While there can be cliques or activities that can make middle school challenging, they are handled quickly according to policies that make it possible for students of all kinds to feel safe and comfortable inside the school building.

Graduating and Heading to High School

When I began middle school I had clear goals concerning my academic performance and future. Through the help of my family, my classmates, and my teachers these goals were encouraged, directed, and realized. My time at LCCS has allowed me to learn more than I could have ever imagined as a student and a person. From Language Arts to science labs, flipped instruction in math, and Wingspan, middle school has exposed me to the concept of creative learning, independently and through collaboration with teachers and peers. My time here may be coming to an end, but I will always be grateful that I attended middle school at LCCS!

Sofia Lesnewski is an eighth grader at Learning Community Charter School and will attend McNair Academic High School in September.

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